Info Lab

Safe & Easy Teeth Grinding & TMJ Protection.

Thousands of bruxism suffers report that they get reduced jaw pain and teeth and TMJ protection from a lightweight and comfortable, ready-to-wear device that does not need boiling and has been specially designed to "unload" the jaw joint and protect teeth & TMJ from clenching and grinding. Available from:

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapy is a well documented approach for bruxism. Now there is a new program from Professor Ursula James, the UK leading practitioner. It has been developed specifically to help bruxism sufferers.



Hello, this is Rachel. Have you ever noticed how you clench, grind or chomp your teeth sometimes? When I was a student, I did this when I was under stress, especially at exam time. I’m not alone though. An amazing number of people do this sub consciously when sleeping even if they don’t admit it or are just not aware.

The medical term is "bruxism" and it has been getting more attention from the dental and medical professions recently. However, research carried out by the Bruxism Association indicates that many people either self diagnose or end up seeing several consultants and other healthcare professionals before they discover that teeth grinding is the root cause of problems such as damaged teeth, TMJ, TMJD, jaw pain, earache, headaches and neck and shoulder stiffness.

If you are one of the estimated 8-10% of the population who suffer from this little known and understood condition, then bookmark this page now as I will be providing helpful insights into teeth grinding and tips to help you manage the problem so that you can enjoy life to the full.

There is some good news if you grind or clench occasionally or a lot. Several new products have come onto the market that will help you kick the habit, protect your teeth and TMJ or all three!


These include ready to wear dental guards and a hypnotherapy CD from Ursula James, famous for her TV series on channel five. Hypnotherapy is a well documented approach to dealing with bruxism and may be a help to some people.


Latest News

Bruxism can damage implants

Penwell Dental Group provide advice to dentists who are fitting implants. Recognizing bruxism is an important factor for the dentist and patient, both of whom invest time and money in cosmetic dentistry work. They recommend an occlusal guard to protect teeth and dental work from damage caused by clenching and grinding.

Teens may be grinding due to stress.

An American Newspaper reports an increase in teeth grinding in teens caused by stress. Lifestyle and diet are also reported to be one of the causes. Kids are drinking more juice and fizzy drinks and this is having an impact on their dental and overall health. It is also reported that teeth grinding is more prevalent amongst autistic children and people with sleep disorders.

Stress may wreak havoc on your mouth!

Indian aesthetic dentist, Dr Shantanu Jaradi provides wise advice to the increasing number of people under stress caused by job uncertainty and money worries. This can often lead to other problems such as bruxism, dry mouth and gum disease. He advises those under stress to keep a close eye on their oral health and follow a comprehensive teeth and mouth care regime.

teeth grinding, teeth clenching, bruxism, teeth chomping, grinding teeth, nocturnal bruxism