Grind Alert...

Incredible forces are at work when you grind your teeth. Research suggests that bruxers can exert force of 250lbs when grinding. For the chronic bruxer, this can mean chewing through expensive dental guards. Having a teeth protection device makes sense though, even if there is a risk it will be chewed through over time. The good news is that there are new dental guard devices coming on the market that protect the teeth, without the high cost. They are ready to wear and can be just popped in before bedtime.


Bruxism Symptoms

Surprisingly, it is not always the teeth that suffer when we clench and grind them. Often, we get symptoms that may appear unconnected. For example, many people wake up with a throbbing headache from teeth grinding during sleep. The forces involved in the act of clenching and grinding can put huge pressures on the muscles in the neck and shoulder, creating tension that is released when we wake up. It is this release of tension that can trigger muscle spasm and headaches.

Your pearly whites are most likely to suffer the brunt of night time and daytime bruxing. Anything from chipped teeth, loosening of fillings and damage to cosmetic dentistry work can be the result, often costing lots of time and money at the dental surgery to put right. If your are lucky enough to still have an NHS dentist, the typical costs are:

Band 1 £16.50 including examination, diagnosis and preventative care.
Band 2 £45.00 including fillings, root canal treatment or extractions.
Band 3 £198.00 Including more complex procedures such as crowns, dentures or bridges.

Private dentistry costs are typically many times higher than those shown in the table above.

If your sleep partner is a light sleeper, listening to you gnashing your teeth may cause them to lose sleep and eventually vacate the bedroom forever! Bruxers may find that a dental guard is the only way to reduce the noise and damage from night time grinding, but they can be costly and time consuming to fit.

Custom dental guards to protect teeth can cost from £20 to £700!

Highly Strung violinists feel the strain!

According to a study entitled `a symphony of maladies` published in the British Medical Journal, 73% of violin players suffer from bruxism compared to 34% in a control group.

The study looked at the health of musicians in general and discovered a range of challenges not faced by other professions. In particular, musicians suffer orthodontic problems because of pressure to the mandible joint when playing string instruments which may cause bruxism and temporomandibular joint dysfunction.